24 December 2010
Winterval; a Midwinter playlist
Non-sectarian songs for the Winter Festival Season of Midwinter, Yule, Solstice, Christmas, Boxing Day, New Years and all the rest.
Click here for the full-length playlist.
13 November 2010
Batmen Down the Years
From Geeks Are Sexy's post The Many Faces of Batman I found my way to Blame It on the Voices' Batmen post, a cool picture of the various actors who have portayed Batman over the years, juxtaposed with their respective incarnations of him.
But, I noticed a few missing. So even though my picture editing skills aren't all that great, I decided to take what they had and update it with the missing Batmen.

The names:
Be sure to head back to Blame It on the Voices to vote for your favourite incarnation of Batman.
But, I noticed a few missing. So even though my picture editing skills aren't all that great, I decided to take what they had and update it with the missing Batmen.

The names:
- 1. Lewis Wilson (Batman, 1943)
- 2. Robert Lowery (Batman & Robin, 1949)
- 3. Adam West (Batman, 1966-1968)
- 4. Olan Soule (The Batman/Superman Hour, Super Friends 1968 - 1983)
- 5. Michael Keaton (Batman, Batman Returns, 1989 - 1992)
- 6. Kevin Conroy (Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm, Justice League, Batman Beyond & Batman video game series 1992 - Current)
- 7. Val Kilmer (Batman Forever, 1995)
- 8. George Clooney (Batman & Robin, 1998)
- 9. Bruce Thomas (Batman Onstar Commercials, Birds Of Prey, 2000-2002)
- 10. Rino Romano (The Batman 2004 - 2008)
- 11. Christian Bale (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, 2005 - 2012)
- 12. Steven Blum (Lego Batman: The Video Game 2008)
- 13. Diedrich Bader (Batman: The Brave and the Bold 2008 - Current)
Be sure to head back to Blame It on the Voices to vote for your favourite incarnation of Batman.
09 September 2010
Ultimate Chess
I was Looking through some of my old notebooks earlier and I found this copy of the rules of Ultimate Chess, a variation on that classic game which I had written years ago. I had written this to have a challenge for my geek friends whom I played chess with from time to time. This is a 4 player version of chess which we found enjoyable at the time, so I'll share these rules and changes for anyone who wants them.
Rules of Ultimate Chess
Ultimate Chess is played with four players. As in Classic Chess, before the start of the game, the players must decide which color pieces they will play Black, Red, Green or Silver. Silver makes the first move followed by Red, Black and Green.
Setting up the ULTIMATE CHESS board:
The Ultimate Chess board has 192 squares with a 12 x 12 square battle field and four 12 x 2 staging fields, placed at each side. It is important to realize that in the course of the game these staging fields are part of the board and can be occupied by any piece.
Position the board so that a dark corner square is on the right-hand side of each player. Each of the player's Mages are placed on the corner squares of the first row of their staging field. Next place the Warriors on the squares next to the Mages, followed by the Rooks, Knights and Bishops. Then the Queen is placed on the square matching her own color (Green Queen on Black and Red Queen on Silver) and the King is placed beside the Queen. One Pawn is placed on the row of squares in front of each piece.
The Object of the Game:
The object of the game remains the same as in Classic Chess; to checkmate the opposing Kings. When a King is directly threatened by an opponent's piece, the King is in check. The player in check must respond in one of three ways. He must either:
1. Capture the threatening piece,
2. Block the path of the threatening piece or,
3. Move the King to a un-threatened square
Checkmate occurs when a player's King is in check and the player has no way to get out of check on the next move. This ends a stage with the capturing player as the victor. Game Play continues in one of three ways until 3 players have been defeated, leaving one player the clear winner.
In a "Standard" game the defeated player will remove any of his remaining pieces from the board and play will continue as normal.
In a "Conquest" game, if the defeated player has any remaining pieces they are left on the board as obstacles.
In a "Devastation" game the victor takes control of the defeated player's pieces, which he may opt to move during his normal moving phase instead of one of his own pieces. In "Devastation" play the victor retains only one moving phase after defeating another color.
A game of chess can also end in a draw in which there is no clear winner. A draw may occur one of four ways:
1. Stalemate: A stalemate occurs if a player who is not in check cannot move any piece, including the King, without placing their King in check.
2. Insufficient Mating Material: When neither player has the pieces needed to checkmate the other player. E.g. Bishop and King vs. King.
3. Threefold Repetition of Position: The game is drawn if the same position (with the same person on move) has appeared on the chessboard three times.
4. 50 Moves Rule: If there have been 50 consecutive moves of each color without any piece capture or any pawn move.
If a player feels that their position is hopeless, the player may end the game by conceding to the another player. Alternatively, if the players feel that no side can win, they may agree to a draw.
How The Pieces Move and Capture:
All Chess pieces capture an opponent's piece by landing on the square occupied by the opponent's piece.
From its initial position, a Pawn in Ultimate Chess can move one, two or three squares forward and after that the Pawn can move "forward" only one square at a time. Forward being one space directly in front, to the left or right, of its starting position. A Pawn cannot move one square initially and then two squares afterward. When making an initial double or triple move a Pawn cannot jump over other pieces. While Pawns move directly forward, they can only capture an opposing piece by moving one square forward diagonally. When a Pawn reaches the far side of the board it is immediately promoted to any piece except a King. The principle for capturing an opposing Pawn en passant is not present in Ultimate Chess. (En Passant: If a Pawn moves two or three squares initially and passes an opposing Pawn on the fourth or fifth rank, the Pawn may be captured en passant. The opposing Pawn moves onto the square through which the Pawn moved.)
The King, Queen, Bishop, Knight and Rook move and capture in the same way as Classic Chess. Virtually nothing about chess has changed with Ultimate Chess.
The King can move one square in any direction, except when castling. Castling is a defensive move using the King and either Rook. A player can castle provided that:
1. The King is not in check.
2. The King and the castling Rook have not been moved during the game.
3. All the squares between the King and the castling Rook are unoccupied.
4. The King would not be moving through or landing on a square under threat.
When Castling, the King either moves two squares towards the King's Rook, or the King move two squares towards the Queen's Rook. The King's Rook or Queen's Rook then moves to the square the King moved through.
The Bishop is a line piece which moves in an unobstructed path any number of squares diagonally. A Bishop only occupies squares of its starting color.
The Rook is also a line piece. It moves in an unobstructed path any number of squares orthogonally (horizontally or vertically).
The Queen is the most powerful classic chess piece, combining the powers of the Bishop and the Rook. It moves along an unobstructed path any number of squares diagonally or orthogonally.
The Knight is a leaper. Unlike a line piece it doesn't require an unobstructed path to move along and it can jump over other pieces. The Knight can move two squares horizontally or vertically and then one square to either side.
The Ultimate Chess Pieces:
The Warrior, like the Knight, is classified as a leaper. It can move one square orthogonally, forward, backward or to either side. Or the Warrior can jump two squares forward or backward or to either side, or jump two squares diagonally in all four directions. The Warrior can jump over pieces and it can control up to twelve squares. The Warrior cannot move one square diagonally.
The Mage is also classified as a leaper. It can move one square diagonally in all four directions. Or, like an exaggerated Knight move, the Mage can jump three squares horizontally or vertically and then one square to either side. The Mage is bound to the color of its starting square. The Mage can jump over pieces to also control up to twelve squares.
29 July 2010
Ebooks and things
The new even lower priced Kindle has me thinking about ebooks again.
I think one of the big breakthroughs on ebooks becoming a more mainstream form of consumption will be lower priced readers, 99$ seems like the sweet spot. Kind of like when personal music players got less expensive they hit the mainstream and became ubiquitous.
The second element that I would hope for is a more sensible price range for ebooks themselves. There's no good reason, in my opinion, for one to cost more than 7.99$. Some people seem to think that ebooks should be priced lower since they don't have the dead-trees to pay for. A good argument but they take too far. In response others will point out that ebooks still take writing and editing and all that other behind the scene stuff that books will need no matter the format. But I look at the Mass-Market Paper-Back style, the majority of MMPBs cost around 7.99$. MMPBs still need writers and editors and all the rest and that price pays for them all and the dead-trees. And, lets be honest here, it would pure incompetence for web hosting and bandwidth to cost more than the dead-trees.
But then, people are perfectly willing to over-pay for MP3 files compared to music CDs. Even when CDs came down to 9$ or 10$ people were still paying 0.99$ per song, typically in the range of 12$ or more per CD's worth music. Maybe everyone will just get used to being price gouged for ebooks. Well, everyone else that is. I'll stick to collecting my dead-tree if I'm going to be paying the same price anyway.
Now the real magic will be when I walk into a book store, or log onto Amazon, and buy a dead-tree book, I'll get some kind optional upgrade which will furnish me with a special code I can use to also download a deeply discounted ebook and audio-book file of the same title. Add to this a specialized ebook and audio-book hybrid file which my reader will sync with. I can read the ebook when I need to, and have it automatically switch to narrating to me, say when I'm driving or something else. Now that would be something that would entice me into the market.
20 December 2009
Walnut, Mint & Triple Chocolate Chunk Holiday Cookies
- 3 cups Baking Flour
- For this you want to loosely pack it into your measuring cup, not cram as much in as possible.
- 3 medium Eggs
- 1 ½ cup of Butter (or Shortening)
- 1 cup of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
- 1 cup of Dark Chocolate Chunks
- For this I used 8 25g candy Dark Chocolate candy bars with mint. This gives the cookies a nice double-mint flavor. You can skip the mint if you want.
- Chop them up in the food processor, try to get them to the same size as the chips, give or take.
- Helpful Hint from @GoddessGeek: Chill the Chocolate before the food processor so it doesn't get all melty.
- 1 cup of Crushed Walnuts
- This is the volume you want after crushing, not before.
- Again try to get them the size of the chips, mine usually come out a bit smaller, that's ok, you just don't want walnut dust.
- 1 cup of Crushed Peppermint Candies
- This is the volume you want after crushing, not before.
- Again try to get them the size of the chips, mine usually come out a bit smaller, that's ok, you just don't want candy dust.
- Yes, I know I just said that, but the same goes here. =D
- ¾ cup of Brown Sugar
- For this you want to tightly pack it into your measuring cup, cram as much in as possible.
- ¾ cup of Maple Sugar
- Maple Sugar is in the same process as Maple Syrup, the sap of Sugar Maple Trees is boiled down, to get sugar all the water is boiled away, not just some like for syrup.
- Maple Sugar is kind of hard to find, if you can't get any take 1 cup of normal White Baking Sugar and stir in ¼ cup of Real Maple Syrup until evenly mixed.
- For this you want to tightly pack it into your measuring cup, cram as much in as possible.
- 2 teaspoons of Vanilla
- 2 teaspoons of Baking Powder
- 1 teaspoon of Salt
- Chocolate Sprinkles
The Steps:
- Take the Butter out and place in a large mixing bowl. Let it warm up to room temperature.
- If you have a gas range, set the bowl over your pilot light, this is enough warmer it will be a little quicker.
- If you're in a hurry you can microwave on half power in 10 second increments, but BE CAREFUL. You want it soft, not melted or liquid.
- DO NOT use soft serve butter, this is too soft and will ruin the texture of your cookies.
- While Butter is warming, in a second mixing bowl combine Flour, Salt and Baking Powder. Set aside for later.
- Once Butter is room temperature, cream it together with both the Brown Sugar and Maple Sugar.
- To cream, pour sugars over softened butter.
- Using a pastry blender or fork cut the butter into the sugar.
- Continue until the mixture is fluffy, this is will probably take awhile.
- Add Eggs and Vanilla to sugar/butter mix. Beat until evenly blended.
- Take Flour mixture and now add it into the Sugar mixture. Make sure its mixed well.
- Preheat oven to 375°F (191°C)
- Take Chocolate Chips, Dark Chocolate Chunks, Peppermint Chunks and Walnut Chunks, and gently fold into cookie dough until evenly distributed.
- Lightly grease your cookie sheet.
- I use a 42 cm by 30 cm one and this batch fits perfectly on it.
- Dump cookie dough onto the cookie sheet and spread out until its an even depth.
- Top evenly with chocolate sprinkles to taste.
- Bake for 15 to 18 minutes.
- When done the edges should be a crisp brown and the center firm.
- Using a cake tester, tooth pick or fork, poke the middle of the cookie and pull out. If you have any dough on it, you need to cook longer, otherwise you're done.
- Let the cookie sit and cool for about 20 minutes or so, you'll want the cookie to firm up but the candy to still be gooey.
- Using the cookie-cutter of your choice, begin cutting out your cookies from the giant cookie.
- I usually just use a basic round one because I get more out of a batch that way. But if you want to be festive with a gingerbread man or reindeer or something, have fun with it.
- Place cookies in air tight container.
- Hint: In the bottom of the container place a piece of bread, cover with a napkin or paper towel, then put the cookies in. This will keep the cookies moist longer.
- Enjoy.
Well, yes there is all that left over. Scoop the remains into a zip-lock bag and crush them. You now have homemade cookie crumble topping for the next time you have ice-cream sundaes. Pop the bag in the freezer and it'll keep for months.
If you wish to skip the cookie crumble, just cut the giant cookie into rectangles. I've used a rolling pizza cutter for this in the past, but obviously anything will do.
If you want the more traditional cookie shape, spoon small blobs onto the cookie sheat evenly sized and spaced. To do this, you'll also need to adjust your cooking time down to the 12 to 15 minutes range.
21 November 2009
Morning Book Giveaways № 28
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Anna's Book Blog has a New Moon: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion by Mark Cotta Vaz and a 2010 New Moon Calendar up for grabs.
A Sea of Books has 3 aduio book copies of A Seperate Country by Robert Hicks. up for grabs.
Patricia's Vampire Notes has a copy of Dark Stranger by Susan Sizemore up for grabs.
Fantastic Book Review has a signed copy of Betrayals by Lili St. Crow up for grabs.
PS Mom Reviews has 1 copy each of Pynx by Jeffrey Greene, Bella Basset Ballerina by Laura Aimee Garn, The Scritchy Little Twitchell Sisters by Laura Aimee Garn, Kick Block Punch by Jacquie Hann up for grabs.
Melanie's Musings has an ARC of Tangled by Carolyn Mackler up for grabs.
Beth's Book Review Blog has 3 audio book copies of Say You're One of Them by Uwem Akpan up for grabs.
A Sea of Books has a copy of Angels: A Pop-Up Book by Chuck Fischer up for grabs.
Bookin' With Bingo has 5 copies of It Happened One Night by Lisa Dale up for grabs.
A Sea of Books has 5 copies of Exit Music by Ian Rankin up for grabs.
A Nut in a Nutshell has a copy of Meet Me on the Paisley Roof by Murray Tillman up for grabs.
A Nut in a Nutshell has a copy of The Marriage First Aid Kit by Bryce Kaye, Ph.D. up for grabs.
A Nut in a Nutshell has a copy of A Picturebook On The Wall by Elaine Margolis up for grabs.
A Nut in a Nutshell has a copy of A Father's Odyssey by Terry Hitchcock up for grabs.
Brizmus Blogs Books has copies of Hush, Hush by Becca-Fitzpatrick, Evermore by Alyson Nöel, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, City and the Stars by Arthur C. Clark, Over the Holidays by Sandra Harper, and more. up for grabs.
Brizmus Blogs Books has a copy of Deer & Other Stories by Susan Tepper up for grabs.
J. Kaye's Book Blog has an audio book copy of Say You're One Of Them by Uwem Akpan up for grabs.
The Book Butterfly has a signed copy of Bad Apple by Laura Ruby up for grabs.
The Book Resort has a copy of Nice Girls Don't Live Forever by Molly Harper up for grabs.
The Princess & The Monkey has copies of Bella Basset Ballerina & The Scritchy Little Twitchell Sisters by Laura Aimee Garn up for grabs.
The Princess & The Monkey has copies of Kick Block Punch by Jacquie Hann, Pynx by Jeffrey Greene up for grabs.
Tara's View on Books has 5 copies of Leaning into God When Life Is Pushing You Away by Robert A. Schuller up for grabs.
Tara's View on Books has a copy of Leaving Yesterday by Kathryn Cushman up for grabs.
Tara's View on Books has a copy of Driving My Tractor by Jan Dobbins up for grabs.
Tara's View on Books has a copy of Things Worth Remembering by Jackina Stark up for grabs.
Tara's View on Books has a copy of Watch Over Me by Christa Parrish up for grabs.
Tara's View on Books has 5 copies of The Misunderstood God by Darin Hufford up for grabs.
SciFiGuy.ca has copies of Kiss of Fire (signed), Kiss of Fury (with signed bookplate), Kiss of Fate (with signed bookplate) and Winter Kiss (with signed bookplate) by Deborah Cooke up for grabs.
The Book Faery Reviews has 2 books in Winner's choice of Non-Fiction, Childrens’ Books, or Fiction up for grabs.
Carol's Notebook has a copy of Chosen by Desire by Kate Perry up for grabs.
Brimful Curiosities has 3 copies of Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind the Peace Prize by Kathy-Jo Wargin up for grabs.
Brimful Curiosities has 3 copies of America's White Table by Margot Theis Raven up for grabs.
Brimful Curiosities has a signed copy of Love, Elmo by P.J. Shaw up for grabs.
Brimful Curiosities has 2 copies each of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King illustrated by Gail De Marcken, The Christmas Magic by Lauren Thompson up for grabs.
Luxury Reading has 2 copies of Decoding The Lost Symbol by Simon Cox up for grabs.
Luxury Reading has an ARC of A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi up for grabs.
Luxury Reading has a copy of White Picket Fences by Susan Meissner up for grabs.
Luxury Reading has a copy of Beautiful as Yesterday by Fan Wu up for grabs.
Drey's Library has 5 copies of It Happened One Night by Lisa Dale up for grabs.
J. Kaye's Book Blog has a copy of The Army Of The Republic by Stuart Archer Cohen up for grabs.
The Bibliophilic Book Blog has a signed copy of Shifting Plains by Jean Johnson up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has a copy of Tirissa and the Necklace of Nulidor by Willow up for grabs.
Mommy PR has 3 copies of The Gift of the Inuksuk by Michael Ulmer from Sleeping Bear Press up for grabs.
Things Moms Like has copies of Space and Beyond, Your Very Own Robot and The Lake Monster Mystery up for grabs.
J. Kaye's Book Blog has an audio book copy of Julie Andrew's Collection Of Poems, Songs, And Lullabies up for grabs.
Three Peas in a Pod has 2 copies of Fancy Friendship Bracelets by Laura Torres up for grabs.
512 Kidz has a copy of The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree Book by Michael Berenstain up for grabs.
Mkokopelli has 3 copies of Santa Claus Is Green by Alison Inches up for grabs.
Noobie has a Kindle up for grabs.
Bibliofreak also has a Kindle II up for grabs.
Sue Lange has free ebook copies of Uncategorized available.
The Shopping Mama and F-Secure Internet Security 2010 are sponsoring a giveaway of F-Secure Internet Security 2010 and Amazon.com gift cards for 3 winners.
Tara's view of the world has a copy of Baby’s First Journal up for grabs.
Tara's view of the world has a copy of BusyBodyBook up for grabs.
Robyn's Online World has 2 $100 Borders Gift Cards up for grabs.
Our Ordinary Life has 2 $100 Borders Gift Cards up for grabs.
19 November 2009
Morning Book Giveaways № 27
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Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings has copies of Wicked 1: Witch & Curse, Wicked 2: Legacy & Spellbound, Wicked 3: Resurrection, Possessions, Pretty Little Devils by Nancy Holder up for grabs.
Only The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy has a copy of The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, signed by Brandon, Maria, and Harriet up for grabs.
Books has a copy of Under the Dome by Stephen King up for grabs.
Books Obsession has copies of Ghost Huntress 1: The Awakening, Ghost Huntress 2: The Guidance, The Other Side by Marley Gibson up for grabs.
Readaholic has 3 audio book copies of Nine Dragons by Michael Connell up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has a copy of Dust by Susan Berliner up for grabs.
A Frugal Friend has copies of The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks, The Berenstain Bears Faithful Friends, The Berenstain Bears Play a Good Game and The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors by Michael Berenstain, Jan Berenstain & Stan Berenstain up for grabs.
drey's library has 5 copies of The Gate House by Nelson DeMille up for grabs.
LORI'S READING CORNER has an ARC of Money to Burn: A Novel of Suspense by James Grippando up for grabs.
Tainted Poet has a copy of Ice by Sarah Beth Durst up for grabs.
Blessed with Grace has copies of God Is with Me through the Day and God is With Me Through the Night by Julie Cantrell up for grabs.
The Burton Review has a copy of My Unfair Lady by Kathryne Kennedy up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has 3 audio book copies of 9 Dragons by Michael Connelly up for grabs.
The Bibliophilic Book Blog has a copy of Covet by J.R. Ward up for grabs.
Reading With Monie has a signed copy of The Heart-Break Pill by Anjanette Delgado up for grabs.
Dark Faerie Tales has a copy of Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler up for grabs.
Froggaritaville's Bookcase has 5 copies of Sins of the Flesh by Caridad Piñeiro up for grabs.
Parajunkee's View has 5 copies of Sins of the Flesh by Caridad Piñeiro up for grabs.
Confessions of a Wandering Heart has a copy of Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay up for grabs.
From Rambling to Interviews has copies of My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent, Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz, Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner, Moonlight & Full Moon by Rachel Hawthorne up for grabs.
The Story Siren has copies of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, Fallen by Lauren Kate & a double sided Hush, Hush poster up for grabs.
Mindful Musings has an ARC of Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater up for grabs.
Book Reviews by Jess has copies of Blue Bloods, Masquerade (A Blue Bloods Novel), Revelations (A Blue Bloods Novel), The Van Alen Legacy (Blue Bloods, Book 4) by Melissa De La Cruz up for grabs.
The Lateiner Gang Book Review Spot has a $200 gift card for the Apple Store & over 30 books up for grabs.
Book Blather has a copy of Immortals: Love Stories with a Bite edited by P.C. Cast up for grabs.
Ellz Readz has a copy of Evermore by Alyson Noel up for grabs.
Lisa McMann has copies of Wake, Fade, Gone up for grabs.
Wicked Little Pixie has a copy of any one of Terri Garey’s book up for grabs.
Literary Escapism has copies of In Over Her Head and Wild Blue Under by Judi Fennell up for grabs.
Book Reviews by Jess has a copy of The Van Alen Legacy by Melissa De La Cruz up for grabs.
Number One Novels has a signed copy of Shadowfae by Erica Hayes up for grabs.
Once Upon a Bookcase has 5 copies of Fallen by Lauren Kate up for grabs.
Book Chick City has 2 copies of Hell's Belle's by Paul Magrs (with signed bookplate) up grabs.
Reading with Tequila has a copy of The Secret of Joy by Melissa Senate up for grabs.
Martha's Bookshelf has 5 copies of The Gate House by Nelson DeMille up for grabs.
Martha's Bookshelf has 5 copies of Tamed by a Laird by Amanda Scott up for grabs.
J. Kaye's Book Blog has a copy of America, Welcome To The Poorhouse: What You Must Do To Protect Your Financial Future And The Reform We Need by Jane White up for grabs.
Ellz Readz has 5 copies of Fallen By Lauren Kate up for grabs.
A Sea of Books has 5 copies of 7th Heaven by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro up for grabs.
Jeff Burk has, the following ebooks, in the bizzaro genre, Ass Goblins of Auschwitz by Cameron Pierce, Super Fetus by Adam Pepper, Sausagey Santa by Carlton Mellick III, Bizarro Starter Kit (orange), Bizarro Starter Kit (blue), for free download.
Mindful Musings has a black, four shelf bookcase from CSN up for grabs.
Contest Corner is holding a giveaway, in conjunction with Help Grow Your Soup, for a Campbell's cookbook and two cans of soup.
Noobie has a Kindle up for grabs.
Bibliofreak also has a Kindle II up for grabs.
25 August 2009
Morning Book Giveaways № 26
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Happily Forever After has copies of His Wicked Sins, Dark Prince, His Dark Kiss & Seduced By A Stranger by Eve Silver up for grabs.
Chick with Books has 3 copies of The Woman Who Named God by Charlotte Gordon up for grabs.
Drey's Library has copies of To Tempt the Wolf, Heart of the Wolf & Destiny of the Wolf by Terry Spear up for grabs.
The Review Broads has 3 copies of Mortal Friends by Jane Stanton Hitchcock up for grabs.
This Book For Free has 2 copies of Highland Rebel by Judith James up for grabs.
Hidden Helper has a copy of Harlot’s Sauce: A Memoir of Food, Family, Love, Loss, and Greece by Patricia Volonakis Davis up for grabs.
Readaholic has 2 copies of How It Ends by Laura Wiess up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has a copy of The English American by Alison Larkin up for grabs.
Debbie's World of Books has a choice of 3 of Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, By The Sword by Mercedes Lackey, Italian For Beginners (ARC) by Kristin Harmel, Fade by Lisa McMann, Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter, Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, Darcy and Anne by Judith Brocklehurst (ARC), Boneman’s Daughters by Ted Dekker, The 39 Clues Book 2: One False Note by Gordon Kormon, Undiscovered Gyrl (ARC) by Allison Burnett, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Circle of Friends Book III: James (ARC) by L. Diane Wolfe, Models Don’t Eat Chocolate Cookies by Erin Dionne, Wings (ARC) by Aprilynne Pike, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith up for grabs.
Eclectic Booklover has 2 copies of Stealing Death by Janet Lee Carey up for grabs.
Roads to Learning has a copy of North! or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has 5 copies of Six Pixels of Separation by by Mitch Joel up for grabs.
Lit Bites has 2 copies of Black is for Beginnings by Laurie Faria Stolarz up for grabs.
Park-Avenue Princess has a copy of How It Ends by Laura Weiss up for grabs.
The Hiding Spot has a copy of Snap by Carol Snow up for grabs.
Pajamma Mommy Community has copies of NurtureShock by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, Close Encounters of the Third Grade Kind by Phillip Dne, In Cheap We Trust by Lauren Webber, The Love Revolution by Joyce Meyer, Six Pixels of Seperation by Mitch Joel up for grabs.
Busy Mommy has a copy of Full House: An Invitation to Fractions by Dayle Ann Dodds up for grabs.
24 August 2009
Morning Book Giveaways № 25
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Book Giveaways has 3 copies of Confetti Cakes for Kids by Elisa Strauss up for grabs.
Bookfan has acopy of Table Manners by Mia King up for grabs.
Chick Loves Lit has a copy of The Divorce Party by Laura Dave up for grabs.
J. Kaye's Book Blog has an audio book copy of Any Minute by Joyce Meyer up for grabs.
Bookin' With Bingo has copies of Making Babies by Sami David, M.D., Jill Blakeway & Light Up Your Child's Mind by Joseph S. Renzulli, Ph.D., Sally M. Reis, Ph.D. up for grabs.
Park-Avenue Princess has 5 copies of Dark Hunger by Rita Herron up for grabs.
Park-Avenue Princess has 5 copies of A Hint of Wicked by Jennifer Haymore up for grabs.
Debbie's World of Books has a copy of How It Ends by Laura Wiess up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has 5 copies of The Blue Star by Tony Earley up for grabs.
The Book Faery Reviews has a copy of The Sentinels by Gordan Zuckerman up for grabs.
Peeking Between the Pages has a copy of Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch up for grabs.
Susan Heim on Parenting has a personalized book from I See Me (www.iseeme.com) up for grabs.
I’m Booking It has a copy of The Gift of an Ordinary Day by Katrina Kenison up for grabs.
J. Kaye's Book Blog has a copy of The Italian's Ineperienced Mistree by Lynne Graham up for grabs.
J. Kaye's Book Blog has a copy of The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks up for grabs.
The Tainted Poet's YA Book Review has an ARC of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick up for grabs.
Park-Avenue Princess has copies of How to Tame A Modern Rogue by Diana Holquist up for grabs.
Falling Off The Shelf has 5 copies of Dark Hunger by Rita Herron up for grabs.
Say What? has a copy of Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher up for grabs.
Readaholic has a copy of The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran up for grabs.
Park-Avenue Princess has 5 copies of How To Be A Hepburn In A Hilton World by Jordan Christy up for grabs.
The Royal Reviews has a copy of Tempt the Devil by Anna Campbell up for grabs.
La Femme Readers has copies of Secret Society by Tom Dolby (ARC) & Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles up for grabs.
Readaholic has a copy of Lopsided by Meredith Norton up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has a copy of The Marriage First Aid Kit by Bryce Kaye PhD up for grabs.
Bookin' With Bingo has a copy of Sweet Mandarin by Helen Tse up for grabs.
Book Giveaways has 5 copies of How to Make Life Work by Michelle McKinney Hammond up for grabs.
Passages to the Past has a copy Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran up for grabs.
Read Bree has an autographed ARC of The Dark Divine up for grabs.
20 August 2009
Morning Book Giveaways № 24
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Wrighty's Reads has 3 copies of Geektastic Stories from the Nerd Herd edited by Holly Black & Cecil Castellucci up for grabs.
Seductive Mmusings has 2 copies of Summer of Two Wishes by Julia London up for grabs.
Booking Mama has 2 copies of The White Queen Philippa Gregory up for grabs.
Debbie's World of Books has a copy of Bleak History by John Shirley up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has 5 copies of New Tricks by David Rosenfelt up for grabs.
A Journey of Books has 2 copies of Summer of Two Wishes by Julia London up for grabs.
Savvy Verse & Wit ha s a copy of Rooftops of Tehran by Mahbod Seraji up for grabs.
Shhh I'm Reading... has a copy of The White Queen by Philippa Gregory up for grabs.
Addicted to Books has 4 random books up for grabs.
S. Krishna's Books has a copy of The White Queen by Philippa Gregory up for grabs.
Walking on Sunshine has a copies of Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton & Wedding Season by Darcy Cosper up for grabs.
The Book Faey Reviews has 2 copies of The White Queen Philippa Gregory up for grabs.
Lori's Reading Corner has 3 copies of Alex Cross's Trial by James Patterson and Richard DiLallo up for grabs.
Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf has 3 copies of The Imposter’s Daughter, a True Memoir by Laurie Sandell up for grabs.
Bookin' With Bingo has copies of So Into You by Sandra Hill & How to Tame a Modern Rogue by Diana Holquist up for grabs.
Not Entirely British has a copy of Discover Your Inner Strength up for grabs.
Libby's Library has 5 copies of Julie & Julia by Julie Powell up for grabs.
Miss Danaidae has an ARC of Violet Wings by Victoria Hanley up for grabs.
Sweeps4Bloggers has a copy of The World is Open by Curtis J. Bonk up for grabs.
The Tome Traveller's Weblog has a copy of Sand Sharks by Margaret Maron up for grabs.
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